• HS-17, Kailash Colony Market, Greater Kailash-1, New Delhi.



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Tooth Jewellery

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Tooth jewellery is the act of placing individual jewels onto the outer surface of the teeth.
There are two main types of tooth jewels:
A collection of yellow and white gold jewellery with some including gems such as diamonds.
Dental gems
A range of glass crystals fixed to the tooth.
How long does tooth jewelry last?
Dental offices may offer tooth gems near you. They usually have a lifespan of about 6 months, but can sometimes last longer. People usually prefer to use them on their visible teeth to enhance the cosmetic effect of their smiles.
Can you brush your teeth with a tooth gem?
Getting gems on your tooth won't affect your brushing in any way. How long does it take to do a tooth gem? The application procedure should take no more than 5 to 10 minutes.
