• HS-17, Kailash Colony Market, Greater Kailash-1, New Delhi.



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Removable Partial Denture

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Removable partial dentures usually consist of replacement teeth attached to pink or gum-colored plastic bases. Depending on your needs, At Fortino Dental we will design a partial denture for you. A partial denture may have a metal framework and clasps that connect to your teeth, or they can have other connectors that are more natural looking. In some cases, a removable partial denture is made to attach to your natural teeth with devices called precision attachments. Precision attachments are generally more esthetic than clasps.
Flexible partial denture
How long does a partial denture last?
According to statistics, full dentures last anywhere between 5 and 10 years, while partials have a maximum longevity of 15 years. During this time frame, both your mouth and your dentures can undergo major changes, resulting in an improper fit and unappealing appearance.
Can you eat with partial dentures?
In short, when answering the question of 'can you eat with partial dentures? ‘The answer is: yes, you absolutely can. But there may be a period of adjustment as you get used to the new feeling in your mouth.
