Scaling and polishing is a procedure that removes dental plaque, tartar and extrinsic stains that are present on the outer surface of the teeth. Scaling and polishing cleans your teeth, preventing and controlling the severity of gum diseases.
1.Does scaling and polishing make teeth weak?
No, it is a myth. Scaling and polishing removes the calculus in best way .It has no effect on tooth structure. Tooth is fixed in bone socket and in scaling procedure no pressure is applied and the procedure is done with a sophisticated equipment (ultrasonic scalar).
2. Is scaling good for your teeth?
Scaling removes tartar and keeps teeth and gums healthy. Scaling and deep cleaning of gums prevents bad breadth and bleeding gums. Thus, scaling is beneficial.
Is Scaling good for gums?
3. Scaling good for gums?
By reducing the pockets that develop between your teeth and gums through teeth scaling and root planning, you will reduce your risk of experiencing tooth, bone, and tissue loss associated with chronic periodontal disease.
4. How long does scaling and polishing last?
You should expect a scaling and polishing session to take around 30 minutes, depending on the amount of plaque and tartar build-up.
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